Thursday, 18 August 2011

Reflective synopsis

As the world and society begins its first steps into the twenty-first century, there is a huge demand for information and knowledge, one of the best ways to gain this is through technology. The use of technology not only in any working industry but also in education has become a key element of ensuring the next generation of learners are able to equip themselves with the skills and knowledge to use this technology effectively. Khine and Fisher (2003, p.21) suggest that classroom environments in this day and age are fast becoming technologically rich and as such are providing opportunities to deliver learning in new and innovative ways. As a future educator it is my strong belief that a key component of what I will be helping students learn will be through e-learning and as a result provide learners with opportunities to harness the power of Information and communication technologies (ICTs) to ensure that they are fully aware of the capabilities of such tools.
The e-learning course presents to its students a number of E-tools that can be used in a number of ways in a learning environment. Throughout the past seven weeks I have explored these E-tools with peers and by myself using a number of deconstruction techniques including deBono’s thinking hats, PMI and SWOT analysis. The E-tools that I engaged in are designated into four technology groups which are as follows: group one online spaces, group two is multi-media programs and sites, group three presentation tools and group four relates to programs about simulations and animations. The ability to use ICT tools in the context of a learning environment is having a massive impact on learners. Snowman et al. (2009) believe that education should use technology in many useful ways to accommodate for student Variability. Ashman and Elkins (2009, p.170) gives an example of how a leaner with disabilities is using ICTs to make learning gains and effectively enhance their learning outcomes, the learner in question had a sudden loss of vision and a number of devices including an MP3 player were used to help him deal with his disability and continue his schooling.

Group one E-tools include websites, wiki’s and blogs. I had reflected on the learning outcomes for websites and wikis here. During my exploration of theses ICTs I found that it was heavily revolved around collaboration of learning. I participated in a wiki activity which can be seen here. I found that this was a great and easy way to contribute to learning and appreciated the input of others for a total outcome of quality learning. The content of what a fellow student and I partook in was a PMI of twenty-first century learning. I found this interesting because of the massive changes that have been and are happening to education in relation to technology which is what this course is about. Brooks-Young (2010, p.74) goes on to say that using a wiki for a class project is a great way to enhance learning if the barriers are set out to ensure that information being used is not going to be altered without consent or false. Before commencement of this course I had been working on a website for a couple of months previous. I was unknowingly exploring this tool and as a result found it to be an essential part of the project that I was part of. The main function was to communicate to the public and member of the project what stage we were up to, supply project members with key resources such as schedules, time lines and lesson plans and finally links other site for useful information on the topic of disasters. These types of tools indicate a level of learning that requires well planned out structure for students to use. I have also been actively using my blog to explore the vast variety of E-tools. I have found that a blog is very customisable and easy to express my thoughts and communications, something which student learners would benefit from and enjoy doing (Brooks-Young, 2010, p.67). Marazno and Pickering (1997, p.32) state that by relating tasks to concepts that interest them you will engage learners more effectively. As with any program, website or tool being used online there needs to be a level of safe, legal and ethical practice to protect content and users. This is mostly common sense such as not using full names of students or addresses. This can also come down to participants involved in bullying and harassing others CQU (2011) go on suggest that when designing online content for learning it has to be considerate of these practices so as not to complicate users or content in a detrimental way. As such the Government has released a website for these safe practices which I have found useful and essential when creating such learning designs.

Group two consist of Multimedia technologies such as Picture, audio and video programs and websites. These tools can be used in a variety of ways to enhance learning. Finger et al. (2007, p.167) goes on to say that multimedia helps learners communicate information in multiple ways. I with a fellow student analysed YouTube as a tool and came up with the following conclusions. Another website that I had tested was the Flickr website which allowed me to store, edit and crop picture online. I found that this site would be great to use for students who like to take pictures it would allow them to create albums for school projects and share them with their peers. Brooks-Young (2010, p.85) say that digital picture programs can equip students with effective resources for assessments. My last exploration of multimedia tool was a Voki which I have implemented on this blog. This allowed me to create an avatar to communicate on my behalf. This can allow for an engaging through technology, students would also be able to use this tool if they have problems using verbal. Ashman and Elkins (2009, p.173) describe that Vokis would be classed as an assisting technology. This group of Tools I found really connected well with the senses of visual and audio something that a student relies heavily on when learning and as such are key to incorporate into e-learning. There is also consideration of such use of tools in relation to keeping in the guidelines of safe and ethical practices.

Group three technologies related to presentation tools. Some examples of these programs are Glogster, Power Point and Prezi. These Tools relied on most of the group two technologies of pictures, video and audio. I used and analysed Glogster to create a simple online presentation tool about the uses of I-pads in education. I used videos and pictures in creating the presentation and found it very customisable which would appeal to learners along with its ease of use interface. In a school setting I would find this program very useful as it would help students in presenting the information that they wanted to communicate with. With its flexible variables and custom features this would be a great way to engage learners as well as assisting them in familiarising themselves with technology.

Group four include programs and tools in relation to animation and simulations. For this topic I explored a number of simulations programs. I have found these tools to be the most engaging and informative when used in a learning environment. Simulations are a programs used to educate learners as close to real life as possible. Using simulations Such as disaster-management or frog dissection can help learners understand the key concepts of the real life situations. For example in the natural disasters game the player has a budget to erect defences in a set amount of time before the disaster strikes. This show the learner how much planning is needed for a community and give suggestions and ideas to lessen the impact of the disaster therefore they can understands and sometimes come up with new ways to tackle situations. Engle (2008) suggests that simulation games improve learners on multiple levels including verbal and cognitive development. Because these simulation games are close to real life they have an extremely effective way to engage the learners. Technology has been a real key factor with this type of E-tool and as a results has created ideal programs for learners to gain knowledge in.

Overall E-learning is an aspect of teaching which is fast becoming embedded into education. It is essential factor that must be used in education by learning mangers to enhance learning and ensure that student know how to use ICTs for their future in life and society. Queensland education (2008) goes on to state that effective E-learning is the combination of digital pedagogies, digital content and e-learning spaces. Mclnerney and Mclnerney (2006, p.170) recommend using technology based programs to give students feedback and create endless pathways for learning through programed instruction. Education is changing and in its process it is using E-learning as a means to better its outcomes for students. As a future learning manger I will ensure that my learning environment has technology embedded in it so that I may better my learner’s outcomes and futures in the twenty-first century.
Ashman, A., & Elkins, J. (2009). Education for inclusion and diversity (3rd ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Brooks-Young, S. (2010). Teaching with the tools kids really use. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin A SAGE Company.
Central Queensland University. (2011). E-learning design. Retrieved August 10, 2011 from
Engle, I. (2008). Simulation games and educations. Retrieved August 17, 2011 from
Finger, G., Russell, G., Jameson-Proctor, R., & Russell, N. (2007). Transforming learning with ICT. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Khine, M. S., & Fisher D. (2003). Technology-rich learning environments. Toh Tuck Link, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Mclnerney, D. M., & Mclnerney, V. (2006). Educational psychology constructing learning (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia
Queensland Government. (2008). eLearning for smart classrooms. Brisbane, Queensland
Snowman, J., Dobozy, E., Scevak, J., Bryer, F., Bartlett, B., & Bryer, F. (2009). Psychology applied to teaching[Vitalsource Edition]. Retrieved from

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Simulations and interactive software

When presenting a lesson on any subject one of the greatest engaging tool i have found through ICT is Simulation/ interactive software and programs. Such programs can be used across all areas of learning, from prep schooling all the way up to a pilot in a flight simulator. These types of programs are designed to give the learner an experience as close to the real life situation as possible. Simulation are created for a number of reasons firstly costing being in real life situations they require a budget to operate, using technology can avoid this all together. Another reason that this type of program is preferred of the real life situation is that in some case external factors may not permit an event to happen on a regular basis. Even though such stimulation are good, they are not as effective as real thing so there is one down fall to such programing. Learners are able to grasp what is involved in such simulations and get the required knowledge. Some Simulation links are as follows:

In the classroom Simulations would be a great learning tool to hook the student into the current topic. After the exercise is complete it would allow for collaboration of learners to discuss the solutions that they had achieved thus enchaning learning outcomes. Because this tool refeclts directly to the real life situation these are classed as one of the most enguaing and entertaining tool you can use for learners.

Such simulations and their results can be seen in this video   

Monday, 1 August 2011

Glogster the presentation tool for learners!

Today I had explored the website for creating Glogs. Glog are created on a website that can be presented in a poster style format. I found that this was a great way to present information in an electronic format using the program I decided to do a glog post on I-pads in education with the following results as seen below. I was extremely impressed with the results and the manipulation of the final product there was a lot of customisation and i think that this would appeal to secondary level learners.

In a classroom this would be a great presentation tool for students, the ease of use and the ability to customise the page would be really engaging for learners. being able to use photos and videos also enhances this presentation tool.During the creation process i found that the website had trouble saving my work I had to restart my work a couple of time before it saved correctly, something that i would make learners aware before they work on the website.

What is seen through ICT (voki, flickr, Youtube) cont.

YouTube is an online Website that allows it's users to upload videos. This I believe is an extremely useful tool in a learning environment. Engaging with learners can be helped with the right video from YouTube. This site is easy to use and is available anywhere that has an Internet connection which mean that it is easily assessable. This also give an indication of the scale of this site being global there are many voices to be heard about topics. During the start of the week a fellow student and I attempted to place a video on YouTube with a SWOT analysis unfortunately we were not able to complte the task so we had to turn to our indivial blog's to convey what we have found.
User friendly
Students can watch critical points several times
Videos can be paused for note taking
Cheap, easy access to media
Access to videos from all around the world
Videos can be re watched as many times as necessary
Searing for clips is fast and easy
Clips can be creative
Not all information on YouTube is reliable
YouTube is dependent on Internet connectivity
Slow downloading can be frustrating
Clips are not interactive
Not all videos to appear in a search are relevant to topic
Clips can be bias
Watching clips could be given as homework/revision
Helps students to become global citizens
Students could use YouTube as a way of presenting assessment
Clips could be watched as a class then discussed
Talent can be recognised through YouTube
Collaboration of information and ideas
Networking through YouTube
Students can contribute to online database
Copyright issue
Can be issues with privacy invasion
Not all videos are child friendly
Government censorship means that it isn't always accessible to learners

Again clips from YouTube if used correctly in the classroom and in the right context can be a valuable tool for learning. When I eventually have my own classroom I will try to find educational videos for my learners in the hopes of creating a interesting and happy learning enviroment. I have also added a Link on youtube from another persons prespective from the site. She puts foward the pro and cons of youtube in education and give some great real life examples in which youtube is being used.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

What is seen through ICT (voki, flickr, Youtube) cont.

If you go onto the Internet at any given time 9 times out of 10  the page that you are on will have a picture or video of some sort. Visual media is perhaps the most profoundly used tool in E learning, having images or videos give a greater effect in what your trying to convey to your audience, there is a number of programs which allows you to add and use pictures to the device, program or site your using. Flickr has great capabilties to store your pictures online giving you acess to use them in most electroninc based concepts (website, wiki) along with the storage capabilities Flickr can also allow editing of pictures in a number of ways which makes the site very creative with pictures that you take. I have found that using flickr it is very easy to grasp and would be great for people to use in education. Students could contribute photos of a subject throughout the term and all students would be able to access these as resources for assessment and future learning lessons  

What is seen through ICT (voki, flickr, Youtube)

One of the most profound uses of technology is what can be seen to help learners. there are a number of programs that allows manipulation of images, videos and other media concepts that allow for use in a learning environment, there is also a number of devices to view such images and programs each having their own way of editing media. The first example is Voki which can been seen on the side bar of this blog.I created what I like to call my virtual guide to this blog, in the voki I described what this blog is about and a brief overview encouraging people to look further, vistors would then only need to click the Voki to get a description of my work which is easily then reading through the blog. In the classroom Vokis have a number of advantages this includes bringing technology to the classroom, using Voki not only as a visual tool but a language tool, encourage students to the task at hand and help students explore other E programs which may be benifical to learning. Voki are a great way to change up classroom in the fact that instead of listening to the teacher they can listen to the voki avatar, students would not be bored with the same delivery style of lessons throughout their subject course.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Mind mapping an online E - learning tool

Recently I had used the Mind mapping website to see my knowledge base on E learning so far. I found this tool was extremely useful in discovering what I already know and what I needed to explore.
 As you can see from this mind map that i have created the setting out is very simple and easy to see and navigate to key areas. In a class room setting this program could be used to help learners understand a topic that they are covering being able to see where they need to explore further, a sub result of this exercise could motivate learners to direct their own learning. Learning tool such as this mind map could only be viable if every learner in a class can do this, due to the fact that the exercise requires a single person's outlook to fully understand their learning goals. I found that from doing this exercise I need to seek further information on people who deliver education and knowledge on technology and from the data that i collect would be able to further expand out my mind map and thus enhance my learning.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Websites and Wikis the online data hubs for learners!

Good day everyone!
Once again I am blogging about my thoughts on E - Learning specifically Websites and wikkis being used for educational purposes. Firstly Here is the link to my website.

This website that was designed was for a project that was done earlier this year. The idea was this website was going to be used as a call point for teachers, parents and students to have access to information on natural disasters. The site is quite extensive and had been a working progress for a couple of months. I found that the longer I used the site the more I was aware of its features and the easier i was able to manipulate the design of the site to my liking. In an educational setting which is what this website is for I found that it was a port of call for people wanting to find information on the local area and natural disasters in general. I added a blog feature that encouraged people to network with each other on the topic giving others useful information that they have found. there was also a page where there were external links to other websites that users may find useful. Another aspect that was added in was a teachers resource page and a Kids corner page both of these have been great to their respective audience with relevant resources being used. Knowing how to use a website can be key to its success or failure. Being able to interact with your intended audience is needed to get feedback and information to help make the site more useful and interesting.

Wikis used today are like data buffet. They are contributed by their audience and very interactive in many ways. In a classroom setting a wiki could be used throughout the whole school year by a class, thus learners having access to information and knowledge gained throughout the year. As well as being online which means having access where ever internet is avaible, learners are able to inteact with the site and infomation in the site more directly. allowing for self directed learning. Wiki would still need to be mointered though as some people may put misleading infomation on them. Overall websites and wikis would be one of the most common used online tools used in education weather it be a cooking class or a maths subject. the main point I think to come from this is the use of the sites. If you know how to use the site learners are better able to use the site to making learning gains.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Mobile phones - a learning tool or distraction

After completing an activity to see how viable Mobile phones are in the classroom, I have come to a number of conclusions. Firstly the concept of bringing technology into the classroom is foremost related to 21st century learning, a change such as implementing Mobile devices into classrooms is necessary for students to learn. A Mobile phone in the classroom represents more then just a learning device it has the capabilities of communicating and networking on social levels which may be detrimental to the learning in classrooms. However such usage of devices in the context of learning and education can be extremely beneficial. I think that Mobile phones in this time are primarily used to network and socialise therefore  I believe they have no place in the classroom, but a similar device such as an electronic tablet with a structured and limited network capabilities confined for classroom use would be a much better tool to use.   

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Reflection on E - Learning so far.

Hello all!
From what I have achieved over the past 2 weeks in this course I can see how important it is to keep up with and understand technology. Having a basic Grasp on technology before starting this course I believe has given me a great advantage in understanding the subject. Reflecting on what I have gained from the course I have a gained further understandings on technology and E tools therefore allowing me to see how they are connected to education. The skills and resources that I have explored, I can picture the concepts being used in the classroom. I also firmly believe that E - Tools and technology to be one of the greatest means to achieve outcomes in learners for the 21st century.  After sharing information with fellow class members I can clearly see how important it is to network with others to understand concepts related to E learning and building relationships. A great example of this is the wiki that we  have been contributing to, this allows us to bring together information that others have found to be useful and revalant. These skills are truly essential in our career's as learning mangers.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

E - Learning Tool Multiple Intelligences test

Multiple intelligences
 In 1975 Howard Gardner designed a theory on his observations of learners of different abilities. This led him to suggest that everyone has a set of 8 intelligences with varying degrees of strengths in each category.  This Multiple intelligences theory has a test online which I took part to find out my predominant intelligences. As you can see from my results I have strong focus in natural and interpersonal categories and from this information I am able to help create learning programs to my strengths giving more understanding and producing better quality learning outcomes.  

The use of this E - learning tool in a educational environment would have many benefits for both learner and teachers. Being based as a web quiz learners would acquire skills to only only navigate around the web but after the test was complete have a better understanding of there strengths and weakness thus allowing them practices better mind set ideas about learning. Learning mangers will also be able to gauge students knowledge of technology and Internet navigation skills resulting in having a better understanding of what learners require to meet learning outcomes.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

21st Century Learning What this means for society

When one thinks of the future, they often think about the destination and not the journey. As society on a global scale enters an era of information and technology we need to rethink education and how people learn. Schooling and education was based on industrial era foundations of the 19th century and was used well into the 20th century. However we are headed into the 21st century and whats needed is individuals being able to contribute to an era of technology.
 If practice of schooling and learning was to remain modeled from the industrial age this would not only disadvantage the learner but society as well. In the 21st Century, learners require complex skills to tackle future endeavours some of these skills include directing one's own learning to become a life long learner and thinking critically about a topic or issue. A major change that is greatly highlighted is what tools that technology can offer in a learning environment. One such example is that South Korea is implementing to replace all text books with electronic tabs by 2015 thus helping their students become more familiar with technology in this digital age.
It is this change in education that the journey is far more important then the destination.


Hello fellow bloggers, and any of those who have a general interest in E-Learning! This blog will be used as a means of helping me learn about how effective and profound technology is in education. As a 'Tec head' myself this topic greatly interests me and I look forward to what new skills I will be acquiring in assisting me in my future career as a learning manger. So feel free to leave any comments, thoughts and ideas as I delve into the amazing world of technology used in education.
To begin this journey I would like to start off with this blog. I have made sure that this site is as user friendly as possible, and during the course of the next 10 to 12 weeks I will ensure to add many useful tools and link that will help me and my followers understand what managing E-learning is all about.
I have currently added an RSS feed (top right hand corner of the page) from a site called The Next Web which delivers information on the latest news about technology around the world. Feel free to take a look as it is up to date and informative.